
Friday, November 22, 2013

Content is good... right?

All the while you tell them you're content with your life the way it is.

And maybe you are, in theory. You're finishing the degree you set out for. The one all your Angels would be so very proud of you for earning. The one that you're not sure is exactly what you want, but know that it'll lead you into a bigger degree that you know will open more doors on the way up, which is the end plan.

Maybe you are content being outwardly single, and inwardly owned, possessed, treasured, and adored. Being someone who can not only be her own person and stand on her own two feet, but serve someone else when and how it fulfills their needs.

Content is good, right? Content is mental and emotional satisfaction, which sounds good... right?


But what about when good is not good enough? What happens when that boiling pot of water on the stove finally boils over, spilling burned bubbles onto the stove-top and sending angry hisses into the air?


Maybe content isn't good enough. Maybe sometimes all you really, really need is someone to take over for a while. Someone to issue orders and have expectations, ones that have nothing to do with anything called school and everything to do with silly things like nail polish colors and clothing selections for a trip to the library for fiction novels that you actually have time to read.

Someone to grab you by the hair and yank you into His lap, only to nuzzle and give cuddles because you're too tense and you need to take a break from the insanity that is your family, the foundation of everything you've built your life around that is crumbling under your feet.

Someone to say... while you look after them, I'll look after you. When you need to break, I'll be here to hold you together. When you're ready to stand strong again, I'll stand by your side.

But I suppose for now, content will have to be enough.

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